
rna virus中文是什么意思

  • dsrna病毒
  • 负链rna病毒
  • 核糖核酸簿
  • 双链rna病毒
  • 双链核糖核酸病毒
  • 正链rna病毒
  • 正链核糖核酸病毒
  • 正义ssrna病毒



  • 例句与用法
  • Hcv are a group of single - stranded rna viruses that belong to the flaviviridae family and hepavirus . all hcvs possess a positive - sense rna genome of approximately 9600 nucleotides
  • Turnip mosaic virus ( tumv ) and cucumber mosaic virus ( cmv ) are two worldwide spread plant rna viruses , whose damages to host plants are utmost serious
    芜菁花叶病毒( turnipmosaicvirus , tumv )和黄瓜花叶病毒( cucumbermosaicvirus , cmv )是两种世界范围内分布极为广泛、危害极为严重的植物病毒。
  • After one - step reverse transcription of the rna virus genomes , the viruses " specific dna fragments were amplified by nested three loci pcr , which the amplification system was optimized by uniform design
    选择合适的核酸抽提方法,一步法抽提hbv 、 hcv及hiv 1的病毒核酸并一步法逆转录病毒的rna ,获得病毒的dna 。
  • Objective : borna disease virus ( bdv ) is a neurotropic nonsegmented negative - stranded rna virus that caused the illness calling borna disease ( bd ) . the illness is a nervous syndrome characterized by profound behavirol and consciousness abnormalities as well as encephalitis
    目的:博尔纳病病毒( bornadiseasevirus , bdv )是一种嗜神经性、非节段性、负股单链的rna病毒。
  • And this virus is an rna virus and as professor tam was saying , the drugs that we re using , it seems to be consistent with our hypothesis and with the classification of this virus . because rna viruses theoretically can be treated with ribavirin , the drug we are using
  • Successfully cloned and constructed infectious full - length cdna of attenuated lapinized csfv chinese - strain ( derived from spleen ) could make us get pure rna virus genome of csfv c - strain , and further study and utilize mutation , deletion , insertion and substitution of csfv gene on dna molecular level
    中国猪瘟兔化弱毒(脾淋毒)全长感染性cdna的克隆和构建,可以使我们得到纯粹的csfvc -株rna病毒基因组,在dna水平上研究和利用csfv的基因突变、缺失、插入和替换。
  • 百科解释
An RNA virus is a virus that has RNA (ribonucleic acid) as its genetic material.MeSH, retrieved on 12 April 2008.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
rna virus的中文翻译,rna virus是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译rna virus,rna virus的中文意思,rna virus的中文rna virus in Chineserna virus的中文rna virus怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
